Jupiter: The Door Ajar

The Door Ajar
People come
And people go
On earth we live
So we can know
“Know what,” you ask?
The Bill of Rights?
Love’s panache?
Or duty’s call?
Each and every, the truth is made
For one and all.
Life may close with a bird singing
Of your thoughts
Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter
The soul lingers, as the body stops.
The sound of the bird
Jup-i-ter in your ear
Nothing is forever
Only hate is to fear
Look long, look wide
Greater, look within
Despair not the road
What weathers your skin
People come
And people go
The soul departs
The body, no
The heart remembers
The mind unstarts
Night becomes morning
Mourning is twilight
Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter
Sings the bird out of sight
Farewell to myself
And farewell to you
Each time I loved,
I loved anew.
Now is the hour
Of the Door Ajar
Look forward, look backward
Look long, look far
The passage is warm
All warm with the sun
Not always while walking
But at the end when we’re done (young)
Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter!
A fading bird cries
These words are a place
A place which abides
Remember the shadows
And the light on the walls
Remember your voice
When the queer bird calls
Jupiter, Jupiter, Jupiter
‘Tis but a sound
The universe is not linear
But round,